Title Franjevački samostan i knjižnica u Cerniku
Title (english) Franciscan Monastery and Library in Cernik
Author Ana Selichar
Mentor Jasmina Lovrinčević (mentor)
Mentor Marina Vinaj (komentor)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Departement of Culturology (Chair in library science) Osijek
Defense date and country 2016-09-20, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Library Science
Abstract Franjevci su katolički red kojeg je utemeljio sv: Franjo Asiški i odredio mu pravilo prosjačkih redova. Franjevci su muški red odobren od Inocenta III., a konačno ih je potvrdio 1223. godine papa Honorije III. Njihova tri zavjeta su siromaštvo, čistoća i poslušnost. Nose smeđe habite s kukuljicom i bijeli pojas s tri čvora na kojem visi krunica. Na naše prostore franjevci dolaze oko 1232. godine kad se spominje Provincia Sclavoniae, a sjedište joj je bilo u Splitu ili Zadru. Samostani koji su se nalazili u Slavoniji i Srijemu pripadali su u nadležnost ugarske provincije koja se nazivala Provincia Hungariae. Naselje Cernik spominje se u povijesnim izvorima 1255. godine kao Chernik Campus-Cernička ravnica ili polje. Cerničku vladu i posjed u Požeškoj županiji osvajaju Turci 1536. godine. Tada započinje naseljavanje muslimanskog stanovništva, razvoj trgovine, obrtništva i turske kulture. Franjevci na našem području s vremenom će se početi smatrati Slavoncima, stvoriti slavonsku stranku i boriti se za autonomnost i neovisnost. Razvit će veliko hrvatsko-slavonsko rodoljublje, poticati i voditi borbu za oslobođenje od Turaka, u vjernicima su budili potrebu za borbenošću i junaštvom. Turci su mislili da će njihova okrutnost smiriti Slavonce, ali dogodili se obrtano, Slavonci su Turcima zadavali sve veći strah. U 17. stoljeću se prvi put spominje župa Cernik i u to vrijeme je imala smo jednu dobro sačuvanu crkvu, crkvu svetog Nikole u Zapolju. Nakon oslobođenja Slavonije od Turaka u dokumentima koji su izdani kad se spominju samostani Bosne Srebrene spominje se i cernička rezidencija. Po tome Cernik nije obična franjevačka župa, nego i kuća koju franjevci ne bi morali napustiti ni onda kad bi cerničku župu izgubili. U Cerniku franjevci počinju sa izgradnjom crkve 4. prosinca 1711. godine, a gradnju su vodili pater Petar Ilončić, pater Franjo iz Sigeta i pater Antun iz Pečuha. 1728. počinju sa izgradnjom samostana. Kroz cijelo 18. i polovicu 19. stoljeća franjevci u Cerniku drže profesorij i bili su jedini učitelji. Školom je upravljao gvardijan, uz njega je bio još jedan pater koji je bio magister professori ili instructor juvenum. Učili su latinsku gramatiku, govorništvo i logiku. Jedan od najpoznatijih učenika je Matija Antun Relković. Otvaraju studij filozofije i moralne teologije. Samostanska knjižnica formirana je početkom 18. stoljeća. Raspolaže fondom od 7 455 svetih knjiga tiskanim od 15. do 20. stoljeća. Knjige su većinom religioznog sadržaja, značajan je broj i onih svjetovne tematike iz područja znanosti i umjetnosti. Posebnu vrijednost imaju inkunabule, knjige 16. stoljeća i stare hrvatske knjige.
Abstract (english) The Franciscan is Catholic order that was founded by St. Francis of Assisi and he set rule of mendicant orders. The Franciscans are male line approved by Innocent III., and finally it was confirmed in 1223. by Pope Honorius III. Their three vows is poverty, chastity and obedience. They are dress in brown tunic with a hood and white belt with three knots holding the crown. On our premises Franciscans come about in 1232 with mention of Provincia Sclavoniae,whose headquarters were in Split and Zadar. Monasteries, who were in the region of Slavonia and Srijem belonging to jurisdiction of the Hungarian province which was called Provincia Hubgariae. Cernik is mentioned in historical sources in 1255 as Cernik Campus- Cernik plain or field. Government of Cernik and property in Požega County were conquered by the Turks in 1536. It was beginning of the gradual settlement of the Muslim population, the development of trade, crafts and Turkish culture. Over time the Franciscans in our area will be considered of Slavonians, create Slavonian party and fight for autonomy and independence. They will develop a huge Croatian-Slavonian patriotism, encourage and lead the fight for liberation from Turks,awaken the need for fighting spirit and heroism in the believers. The Turks thought that their cruelty will calm Slavonians, but happened on the contrary, Slavonians inflicted a growing fear in Turks. In the 17th century, was first mentioned in the parish of Cernik and in that time we had one well-preserved church, the church of St. Nicholas in Zapolje. After the liberation of Slavonia from the Turks in documents who were published with the mention of monasteries of Bosnia Srebrena there was mention of the Cernik residence. After that Cernik is no ordinary Franciscan parish, but also the house that the Franciscans would not have to leave not even with lost of Cernik parish. In Cernik Franciscans begin with the construction of the church on December 4 1711, and construction was leaded by Father Petar Ilončić, Father Francis of Sige and Father Anthony from Pecs. 1728, was started construction of the monastery. Throughout the 18th and early 19th century Franciscans in Cernik run professorium and they were the only teachers. The school is operated by guardian, next to him was another father who was a master professor or instructor juvenum. They thought Latin grammar, rhetoric and logic. One of the famous students was Matija Antun Relković. They open study philosophy and moral theology. The monastery library was established in the early 18th century. It has an access of 7 455 holy books printed from the 15th to the 20th century. The books are mostly of religious content, a significant number of those secular themes in the field of science and art. Special value have the Incunabulas, books of the 16th century and the old Croatian books.
franjevački samostan
franjevačka knjižnica
Keywords (english)
Franciscan monastery
Franciscan Library
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:156:268037
Study programme Title: University undergraduate interdisciplinary study program in cultural studies; specializations in: Cultural Management, Media Culture, Librarian Science Course: Librarian Science Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvo- stupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) kulturologije uz naznaku smjera (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/ prvo- stupnica (baccalaureus/ baccalaurea) kulturologije uz naznaku smjera)
Type of resource Text
File origin Reformatted digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the diploma theses of the Department of Cultural Studies, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Created on 2018-02-12 07:48:32