Title Usporedba kultivacijskog učinka starih i novih medija
Title (english) A Comparison of Cultivation Effects of the Old and the New Media
Author Nikolina Ćosić
Mentor Željko Pavić (mentor)
Committee member Tatjana Ileš (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Pavić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Gordana Lesinger (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Departement of Culturology (Chair in media culture) Osijek
Defense date and country 2017-09-22, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Mass Media
Abstract Mediji, kao dio svakodnevice, imaju važno, ako ne i primarno mjesto u ljudskim životima. Uz korisnost, brzo informiranje, zabavljanje i obrazovanje svojih konzumenata, mediji pružaju i ono čega često nismo niti svjesni – oblikovanje našeg mnijenja i utjecaj na našu percepciju društvene stvarnosti. Koliki je sam utjecaj masovnih medija na medijsku publiku je neiscrpna tema koja već godinama intrigira mnoge analitičare, statističare i medijske stručnjake. Jedan od prvih koji se zainteresirao za tu temu je George Gerbner. On je šezdesetih godina prošlog stoljeća utemeljio teoriju kultivacije. To je jedna od najutjecajnijih teorija koja ispituje dugoročne posljedice gledanja televizije. Ova se teorija uključila u projekt Kulturni indikatori, koji je svojim istraživanjima uspio dokazati kako televizija ima mali, ali neprestani utjecaj na percepciju društvene zbilje gledatelja. U tom se projektu javljaju pojmovi čestih i rjeđih televizijskih gledatelja. Osnovna teorija kultivacije kaže da česti televizijski gledatelji percipiraju stvarni svijet sličnije onom svijetu kojeg vide na televiziji, nego što to čine rjeđi televizijski gledatelji.
Prva istraživanja teorije kultivacije odnosila su se na ispitivanja utjecaja medija na gledateljevu percepciju svijeta kriminala, nasilja i pravde. Osim što kultivira agresivne tendencije, televizija izaziva pretjerani osjećaj nepovjerenja i opasnosti. Osim kriminala, Gerbner navodi još sedamnaest tema pogodnih za kultivacijsko istraživanje. Neke su od tih tema međuljudski odnosi, doživljavanje drugih kultura, doživljavanje sebe, politička participacija itd.
Daljnjim razvojem medija razvija se i kultivacijska teorija. Danas je razumno pretpostaviti da internet uvelike preuzima ulogu koju je prethodno okupirala televizija. Kao posebno područje interneta su društvene mreže čiji kultivacijski učinak možemo uočiti na svakodnevnoj razini i to posebno na mlađim generacijama. Iako je najveći broj kultivacijskih istraživanja rađen na primjeru televizije i interneta, čak i stariji mediji, poput tiskovina i radija, imaju svoj kultivacijski učinak, a čini se da će ih baš svaki medij i imati, sve dok bude imao svoje konzumente.
Abstract (english) As a part of everyday life, the media has important, maybe even primary place in ones life. Along with the usefulness, informing, entertaining and educating its own consumers, the media also provide something that we are often not aware of - shaping our minds and influencing our perception of social reality. The very influence of mass media on the audience is an inexhaustible topic that has intrigued many analysts, statisticians and media professionals. One of the first to be interested in this topic is George Gerbner. In the sixties he founded the theory of cultivation. It is one of the most influential theories that examines the long-term consequences of watching television. This theory has been included in the Cultural Indicators project, which has been able to prove how television has a small but continuous impact on the perception of the social reality. This project is mentioning the terms of heavy and light TV viewers. The most general hypothesis of cultivation analysis is that those who spend more time living in the world of television are more likely to see the real world in terms of the images, values, portrayals, and ideologies that emerge through the lens of television.
The first research into the theory of cultivation was about examining the influence of the media on the spectator's perception of the world of crime, violence and justice. Apart from cultivating aggressive tendencies, television provokes an exaggerated sense of distrust and dangers. In addition to crime, Gerbner also lists seventeen topics suitable for cultivation research. Some of these topics are interpersonal relationships, experiencing other cultures, experiencing oneself, political participation, etc.
Further development of the media also develops cultivation theory. It is reasonable to assume that the Internet today takes on the role previously occupied by the television. Social networks are special areas of the Internet, whose cultivating effect can be noticed on an everyday basis, especially in younger generations. Although the largest numbers of cultivation researches have been made on television and the Internet, even older media, such as newspapers and radio, have their own cultivating effects, and it seems that every media will have them as long as they have someone who consume them.
stari mediji
novi mediji
teorija kultivacije
Kulturni indikatori
Keywords (english)
old media
new media
theory of cultivation
Cultural Indicators
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:156:943368
Study programme Title: University graduate interdisciplinary study program in cultural studies; specializations in: Cultural Management, Media Culture, Librarian Science Course: Media Culture Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kulturologije uz naznaku smjera (magistar/magistra kulturologije uz naznaku smjera)
Type of resource Text
File origin Reformatted digital
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Repository Repository of the diploma theses of the Department of Cultural Studies, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Created on 2017-12-28 08:47:58