Title Kapucinska knjižnica u Osijeku
Title (english) Capuchin Library in Osijek
Author Lana Bartolović
Mentor Ivo Džinić (mentor)
Mentor Marina Vinaj (komentor)
Committee member Ivo Džinić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Vinaj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Tamara Zadravec (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Departement of Culturology (Chair in library science) Osijek
Defense date and country 2017-06-08, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Information and Communication Sciences Library Science
Abstract Kapucini su ogranak velikog franjevačkog Reda, koji je utemeljio sv. Franjo Asiški. Red se 1517. godine podijelio na observante i konventualce. Od observanata se 1525. godine jedan ogranak odijelio i prozvao se „Kapucini“. Kapucini kao franjevački Red tijekom svoje duge i bogate povijesti, u različitim razdobljima, razvijaju raznoliku apostolsko-pastoralnu djelatnost među različitim društvenim slojevima ljudi, a u Crkvi su se, uz isusovce, osobito istakli radeći na katoličkoj obnovi. U Osijek su došli iz Budima 1701.godine. Samostan i crkva su izgrađeni na posjedu Ivana Jakova von Eggendorffa, kojega je on darovao kapucinima. Samostan je završen 1710. godine. Franjevci kapucini uz ostalo sačuvano blago imaju i vrijednu knjižnicu kroz čije se bogatstvo danas iskazuje duga i bogata djelatnost osječkog samostana, te njegov značaj i doprinos za ukupni vjerski i kulturni život Osječana i Slavonaca. Knjižnica je vjerojatno formirana istovremeno s osnivanjem samostana o čemu za sada imamo samo posredne podatke. Knjižnica nema inkunabula, ali ima 26 djela iz 16.stoljeća i oko 10 000 svezaka. Od jezika su uz hrvatski najviše zastupljeni njemački i latinski, te postoji izvjestan broj djela na mađarskom jeziku. Najveći dio građe sadržajno je vezan uz različite crkvene i religijske sadržaje. Jedan od ključnih problema je neadekvatan prostor same knjižnice i nepristupačnost građe široj javnosti. Također, knjižnica nije katalogizirana, postoji popis samo dijela rijetkih knjiga. Danas braća kapucini ulažu puno napora da odgovore velikim potrebama vremena te da šire evanđeoski duh u Crkvi i današnjem društvu. Pored toga nastoje stalno raditi na duhovnoj obnovi, aktivno se uključiti u evanđelizacijska nastojanja Crkve, ali isto tako traže načine kako da ostanu vjerni svojim franjevačko – kapucinskim korijenima.
Abstract (english) Capuchins are a branch of an Order of Franciscan Friars which was founded by Saint Franjo Asiški. In 1517, the Order was divided to Observants and Conventuals. In 1525, one branch separated from the Observants and called itself ‘Capuchin’. Capuchins, as a Franciscan Order, during their long and rich history, in different eras, have developed a versatile apostle-pastoral role among the different social classes of people, and in the Church, next to the Jesuits, they were particularly prominent working on the Catholic revival. They came to Osijek from Budim in 1701. The monastery and the church were built on the property owned by Ivan Jakov von Eggendorff which he had donated to the Capuchins. The monastery was completed in 1710. Alongside the preserved treasure, Franciscan Capuchins also possess a valuable library through which we can witness the long and prolific activity of Osijek monastery and its significance and contribution to the entire religious and cultural life of people from Osijek and Slavonija. The library was probably formed at the same time as the monastery, however, the information is mostly secondary. The library has no incunables, nonetheless, there are over 26 works from the 16th Century and around 10 000 volumes. Latin and German are the most represented after Croatian, and there is a certain amount of works in Hungarian. The greatest part of the materials is contextually related to different church and religious contents. One of the key problems is the insufficient space of the library itself and the inaccessibility of the materials to the wider public. Furthermore, the library is uncatalogued, there is just a list of certain parts of the rare books. Today, brothers Capuchins are investing a lot of effort to keep pace with the current needs and to spread the Church Gospel in today´s society. In addition, they are constantly working on a spiritual renewal, and actively trying to incorporate the Church´s evangelic efforts while remaining faithful to their own Franciscan – Capuchin roots.
Keywords (english)
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:156:802881
Study programme Title: University graduate interdisciplinary study program in cultural studies; specializations in: Cultural Management, Media Culture, Librarian Science Course: Librarian Science Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra kulturologije uz naznaku smjera (magistar/magistra kulturologije uz naznaku smjera)
Type of resource Text
File origin Reformatted digital
Access conditions Access restricted to students and staff of home institution
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Repository Repository of the diploma theses of the Department of Cultural Studies, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek
Created on 2017-12-28 08:42:59