Title Seismic behaviour of traditional rammed earth walls from eastern Croatia area
Title (croatian) Potresno ponašanje tradicijskih zidova od nabijene zemlje s područja istočne Hrvatske
Author Ana Perić Fekete
Mentor Ivan Kraus (mentor)
Committee member Hrvoje Draganić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Tihomir Dokšanović (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Vedran Jagodnik (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Civil Engineering and Architecture Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2024-10-07, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline TECHNICAL SCIENCES Civil Engineering
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 624/625 - Civil and structural engineering. Civil engineering of land transport. Railway engineering. Highway engineering
Abstract Ancient earthen building techniques that originated before the advent of conventional building materials have regained the attention of the scientific and broader public with the beginning of the 21 century. Research has been performed throughout
the world in the past few years. However, due to a lack of information, the Croatian earthen building fund was not widely recognised. This study was performed within the scope of the first scientific research project, which is directed at understanding the seismic behaviour of eastern Croatian rammed earth houses. In order to understand the advancements in earthen houses made worldwide, a literature review of several manuals and normative documents, as well as more than 50 research papers, was performed. Observation of existing rammed earth houses in eastern Croatia was performed, and five documented houses were presented and their layout and usage discussed, thus creating a database of eastern Croatian rammed earth houses. Key observations concern differences in granular composition between literature recommendations and eastern Croatian rammed earth houses. On the other hand, soil plasticity and compressive strength are in line with the majority of recommendations.
Knowledge gained through literature review and field observation was the valuable foundation for performing experimental analysis of rammed earth walls. Four rammed earth walls were tested in-plane by varying excitation regimes, material composition and drying periods. However, it was determined that differences did not majorly affect the load-bearing capacity of walls or structural behaviour factor. Results were further used to perform numerical model validation in ANSYS. A parametric analysis comprising 54 numerical models was performed. In total, 18 different wall systems found i traditional rammed earth houses from eastern Croatia were analysed by applying three levels of vertical stress on top of the wall. Parametric analysis showed that rammed earth walls should not be considered free-standing units, separated from other walls in the structure, since the loadbearing and seismic capacity could be overestimated. However, the flange wall length does not need to be longer than 50 % of the observed wall length. A structural behaviour factor of ca. 2.0 was determined, thus proving that values greater than
1.5 can be used for wall systems observed. Two approaches for determining response spectrum curves were followed: the current generation of Eurocode 8 and a draft of a new generation of the standard. Thus, differences between the two generations were considered in the context of rammed earth walls. Namely, according to the draft of a new generation of Eurocode 8, traditional rammed earth walls could withstand seismic activities that could be expected in eastern Croatia, but only if the shortest
return period is considered. However, the current version of Eurocode 8 yields a more negative assessment because rammed earth walls did not show adequate seismic behaviour in any of the observed cases.
Abstract (english) Drevne tehnike zemljane gradnje, nastale prije pojave konvencionalnih građevinskih materijala, ponovno su zaokupile pozornost znanstvene i šire javnosti početkom 21. stoljeća. Proteklih godina, istraživanja su provedena diljem svijeta, ali hrvatski zemljani građevinski fond nije bio prepoznat zbog nedostatka informacija. Ovo je istraživanje provedeno u sklopu prvog znanstveno-istraživačkog projekta usmjerenog na razumijevanje potresnog ponašanja kuća od nabijene zemlje s područja istočne Hrvatske. Kako bi se razumio napredak u razumijevanju istraživanja zemljanih kuća diljem svijeta, proveden je pregled literature, koji je obuhvatio nekoliko priručnika i normativnih dokumenata te više od 50 istraživačkih radova. Provedeno je istraživanje postojećih zemljanih kuća u istočnoj Hrvatskoj te je prikazano pet dokumentiranih kuća i raspravljen njihov prostorni raspored i uporaba, čime je stvorena baza podataka zemljanih kuća istočne Hrvatske. Ključna zapažanja odnose se na razlike u sastavu materijala između preporuka u literaturi i kuća od nabijene zemlje u istočnoj
Hrvatskoj. S druge strane, plastičnost i tlačna čvrstoća tla u skladu su s većinom preporuka. Saznanja stečena pregledom literature i terenskim istraživanjem bila su vrijedan temelj za provođenje eksperimentalne analize zidova od nabijene zemlje. Četiri zida ispitana su u ravnini, variranjem režima pobude, sastava materijala i razdoblja sušenja. Međutim, utvrđeno je da razlike nisu značajno utjecale na nosivost zidova niti faktor ponašanja konstrukcije. Nadalje, rezultati eksperimenta su korišteni za provođenje validacije numeričkog modela u programu ANSYS. Provedena je parametarska analiza koja se sastoji od 54 numerička modela. Analizirano je ukupno 18 različitih zidnih sustava koji se mogu naći u tradicionalnim kućama od nabijene zemlje istočne Hrvatske, primjenom tri razine vertikalnog naprezanja na vrhu zida. Parametarska analiza je pokazala da se zidovi od nabijene zemlje ne bi trebali smatrati samostojećim jedinicama, odvojenim od ostalih zidova u konstrukciji jer bi nosivost i potresna otpornost mogla biti precijenjena. Međutim, duljina poprečnih zidova ne mora biti duža od 50 % duljine promatranog zida. Određen je faktor ponašanja konstrukcije u iznosu 2.0, čime je za promatrane zidne sustave dokazano da se mogu koristiti vrijednosti veće od 1.5. Primijenjena su dva pristupa za određivanje krivulja spektra odziva: trenutna generacija Eurokoda 8 te nacrt nove generacije norme. Stoga su razmotrane razlike u dvije generacije normi, u kontekstu zidova od nabijene zemlje. Naime, prema nacrtu nove generacije Eurokoda 8, očekuje se
da bi tradicionalni zidovi od nabijene zemlje mogli izdržati intenzitet potresne aktivnosti koje se mogu očekivati u istočnoj Hrvatskoj, ali samo uz najkraći povratni period. Međutim, trenutna generacija Eurokoda 8 daje negativniju procjenu, budući
da zidovi od nabijene zemlje nemaju zadovoljavajuće potresno ponašanje u nijednom promatranom slučaju.
rammed earth walls
eastern Croatia
seismic behaviour
in-plan wall testing
numerical analysis
structural behaviour factor
Keywords (english)
zidovi od nabijene zemlje
istočna Hrvatska
potresno ponašanje
ispitivanje zidova u ravnini
numerička analiza
faktor ponašanja konstrukcije
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:133:048397
Promotion 2024
Study programme Title: Postgraduate University Study Program in Civil Engineering Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti u području tehničkih znanosti (doktor/doktorica znanosti u području tehničkih znanosti)
Catalog URL
Type of resource Text
Extent 300 stranica, 130 ilustracija, 28 tablica, 4 dodataka i 197 citiranih publikacija
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository GrAFOS
Created on 2024-10-23 06:38:24