Abstract | Osim što zbog svojih bogatih nutritivnih svojstava i široke gastronomske primjene predstavljaju neizostavne namirnice u prehrani predominantnog dijela domaće populacije, meso i riba su kulturološki, sociološki, geografski i klasno neodvojivi od svojih potrošača. Stoga je temeljni zadatak ovog rada istražiti i usporediti prehrambene navike hrvatskog potrošača u konzumiranju sirovina animalnog podrijetla, točnije mesa i ribe. Korištena metoda istraživanja obuhvatila je 200 sudionika različite dobne skupine, obrazovanja, imovinskog statusa i prebivališta, a za prikupljanje podataka korišten je specifično osmišljeni anonimni upitnik (anketa). Rezultati ukazuju na visok stupanj informiranosti potrošača o nutritivnim prednostima ribe, kao i to da potrošačke preferencije idu više u smjeru svježe i morske, primarno plave ribe. Međutim, uviđa se rijetka tjedna razina konzumacije ribe u odnosu na meso koje se znatno češće konzumira, a na gotovo dnevnoj razini kod trećine ispitanika, čime istraživanje sugerira da prehrambene navike potrošača nisu nužno motivirane količinom spoznaja o nutritivnim svojstvima pojedine namirnice, te se ukazuje potreba za inovativnijim pristupom u svrhu pozitivnih mijenjanja potrošačkih navika, u smislu preporuke Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije od 26. listopada 2015., kojom je svrstala crveno meso i mesne prerađevine u visoko rizične skupine kao potencijalno štetne za ljudsko zdravlje zbog kancerogenog djelovanja, a poradi unaprjeđenja javnog zdravlja. |
Abstract (english) | In addition to the fact that, due to their rich nutritional properties and wide gastronomic application, they are indispensable foods in the diet of the predominant part of the domestic population, meat and fish are culturally, sociologically, geographically, and by class inseparable from their consumers. Therefore, the basic task of this paper is to investigate and compare the eating habits of the Croatian consumer in the consumption of raw materials of animal origin, specifically meat and fish. The research method included 200 participants of different age groups, education, income census, and place of residence, and a specifically designed anonymous questionnaire (survey) was used to collect data. The results indicate a high level of consumer awareness of the nutritional benefits of fish and the fact that consumer preferences are more in the direction of fresh and maritime, primarily blue fish. However, a rare weekly level of fish consumption is observed in comparison to meat, which is consumed much more often, and at an almost daily level in a third of the respondents, which suggests that the eating habits of consumers are not necessarily motivated by the amount of knowledge about the nutritional properties of individual foods, and indicates the need for a more innovative approach to positively change consumer habits, in the sense of the recommendation of the World Health Organization from October 26, 2015., which classified red meat and processed meat products in high-risk groups as potentially harmful to human health due to carcinogenic effects, and improvement of public health. |