Title Uloga škole u prevenciji virusnih bolesti
Title (english) The role of school in the prevention of viral diseases
Author Josipa Gašo
Mentor Irella Bogut (mentor)
Committee member Ivica Kelam (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Irella Bogut (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Valentina Majdenić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Education Osijek
Defense date and country 2019-09-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline BIOMEDICINE AND HEALTHCARE Public Health and Health Care Occupational and Sports Medicine
Abstract Ovaj rad usmjeren je na istraživanje činjenice je li škola najveći posrednik između djece i zaraznih bolesti, kako bakterijskih tako i virusnih. Školska zgrada trebala bi učenicima s obzirom na čistoću, red i funkcionalnost uvijek služiti kao primjer te predstavljati mjesto gdje će svoje higijenske navike produbiti i proširiti. Negativan utjecaj je veći, ako su učionice pretrpane, nedovoljno prozračene i slabo osvijetljene, vlažne, ako nema dovoljno zahoda, ako školska zgrada nije opskrbljena
... More zdravstveno ispravnom pitkom vodom, ako je konstantno u nedostatku higijenskih potrepština (sapuna, ubrusa i slično). Glavna svrha ovog diplomskog rada je dobiti uvid o prevenciji zaraznih bolesti u školskim ustanovama te istražiti zadovoljavaju li trenutni higijensko-sanitarni uvjeti standarde koji osiguravaju pravilan dječji razvoj u istima. U tu svrhu korištena je pisana anketa koja je sadržavala 12 pitanja. Uzorak za ovo istraživanje činilo je 30 učitelja razredne nastave s područja Osječko – baranjske županije. Rad prikazuje istraživanje koje je provedeno prije ljetnih praznika od sredine svibnja do sredine lipnja. Vrlo je važno da škola kao ustanova ispunjava sve uvjete za djetetov pravilan rast i razvoj, a tog mišljenja je 43% učiteljica koje smatraju da njihove škole pružaju sve potrebne higijenske uvjete. 80% učiteljica se slaže da se učenici prilikom boravka u školskoj kuhinji pridržavaju naučenih pravila što se tiče higijene, poput pranja ruku prije jela, vezanja kose u rep i slično. Što se tiče školskih zahoda, zbog brojih higijenskih razloga, u svakom školskom zahodu treba biti dovoljno toaletnog papira, ubrusa i sapuna. Nadalje 57% učiteljica smatra da higijenske potrepštine poput sapuna te ubrusa nisu uvijek prisutne. Vrlo važna zadaća škole je da učenicima bude sigurno mjesto gdje će usvojiti važnost higijenskih navika, gdje će svoje higijenske navike proširiti te mjesto koje neće širiti zarazne bolesti između učenika. Less
Abstract (english) This thesis focuses on emphasizing the fact that the school is the biggest mediator between the children and infectious diseases, bacterial as much as viral. School should give an example to children considering cleanliness, order and functionality and also to represent the place where they can deepen their hygiene habits. Negative influence is caused by overcrowded classrooms, insufficiently ventilated, dimly lit, humid, if there is not enough toilets, if the school building is not equipped
... More with drinking water, if it is constantly for the lack of sanitary necessities. (soaps, napkins, etc.) The point of this thesis is to get an insight on preventing the expansion of infectious diseases in schools and to discover if the current hygiene sanitary conditions meet the standards that ensure proper child growth and development in school institutions. For that purpose, I use the written questionnaire which contains of 12 questions. The pattern were 30 teachers from Osječko-baranjska County. The thesis shows the research which was carried out before summer break practice from mid of May till mid of June. It is very important that schools are meeting all the hygienic conditions for pupils’ proper growth and development and 43% of teachers think that. 80% of teachers agree with the fact that the pupils adhere the basic hygienic rules like washing their hand before they eat, putting their hair in a ponytail and similar. As far as the schools bathrooms are concerned, because of the many of hygienic reasons, in every bathroom should be enough amount of toilet paper. 57% of teachers consider that hygienic accessories like soap and tissues are not available always. Very important aim that schools need to have is that they need to be safe place where pupils can adopt the importance of hygienic habits, to expand them and the place that will no longer spread infectious diseases among pupils. Less
virusne bolesti
Keywords (english)
viral diseases
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:141:708291
Study programme Title: Integrated undergraduate and graduate university Class Teacher Studies Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja (magistar/magistra primarnog obrazovanja)
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Created on 2019-10-03 13:34:31