Abstract | Završnim radom iz kolegija Nabavno i prodajno poslovanje razmatra se upravljanje lancem
nabave na primjeru poduzeća HOPS. U teorijskoj podlozi dane su metode rabljene u
istraživanju, predmet i ciljevi istraživanja. Definiran je lanac opskrbe, njegovi ciljevi, zadatak,
elementi, značajke ključne za uspješno funkcioniranje lanca opskrbe te upravljanje odnosima
s dobavljačima. S dobavljačima je potrebno kontinuirano njegovati dobar odnos, temeljen na
iskrenosti i povjerenju. Potom su razmotreni rizici u lancu opskrbe te neke od tehnika njihove
mitigacije i reduciranja. Sve što može prekinuti neki od tokova u lancu opskrbe (primjerice,
financijski tok, informacijski tok, tok materijala i dobara, i drugi), predstavlja izvor
potencijalnog rizika. Ugovori u nabavi jako su važni jer trebaju jednoznačno definirati prava i
obveze strana koje sklapaju ugovor. U Pravilniku o provedbi postupaka jednostavne nabave
poduzeća HOPS d.o.o. zbog toga postoje članci koji se odnose na sklapanje ugovora, rokove
plaćanja i rješavanje sporova iz ugovora. Teorijski prikaz javne nabave (aktualni zakoni i
smjernice europske regulative) izneseni su u šestom poglavlju. Poduzeće HOPS d.o.o.
zanimljivo je zbog toga što je obveznik javne nabave, odnosno sektorski naručitelj, kako je
definirano Zakonom o javnoj nabavi (ZJN 2016), stoga za takva poduzeća vrijede zakonske
odredbe i propisane procedure. Poduzeće HOPS je vertikalno integrirani subjekt. Analizom
istraživanja postupka provedbe javne nabave poduzeća HOPS d.o.o. ustanovljeno je da je u
skladu s aktualnom regulativom. U konačnici, dani su primjeri troškovnika korisni za
praktičare. Na stranici Elektronički oglasnik javne nabave pronađeni su primjeri
standardiziranih troškovnika za naručitelje i ponuditelje, ali dan je primjer i već ispunjenog
troškovnika. Zaključno, javna nabava ima značajan utjecaj na zeleno upravljanje lancem
nabave. |
Abstract (english) | The final thesis written for the Purchasing and Sales Operations Course considers the
management of the supply chain on the example of HOPS Ltd. In the theoretical overview, the
methods used in the research, the subject and the goals of the research are given. The supply
chain is defined, its goals, task, elements, features key to the successful functioning of the
supply chain and supplier relationship management. It is necessary to continuously cultivate a
good relationship with suppliers, based on honesty and trust. Then the risks in the supply
chain and some of the techniques of their mitigation and reduction are considered. Anything
that can interrupt some of the flows in the supply chain (for example, financial flow,
information flow, flow of materials and goods, and others), is a source of potential risk.
Procurement contracts are very important because they need to clearly define the rights and
obligations of the parties to the contract. In the Ordinance on the implementation of simple
procurement procedures of the company HOPS Ltd. therefore, there are articles relating to the
conclusion of contracts, payment deadlines and the settlement of disputes under contracts. A
theoretical overview of public procurement (current laws and guidelines of European
regulations) is presented in Chapter Six. HOPS Ltd. is interesting because it is the obligor of
public procurement, i.e. the sectoral contracting authority, as defined by the Public
Procurement Act (LPP 2016), therefore the legal provisions and prescribed procedures apply
to such companies. HOPS is a vertically integrated entity. By analyzing the research of the
public procurement procedure of the company HOPS Ltd. it was found to be in compliance
with current regulations. Finally, examples of cost estimates given to practitioners are given.
Examples of standardized cost estimates for contracting authorities and tenderers were found
on the Electronic Public Procurement Notice page, but an example of an already completed
cost estimate was also given. To conclude, green supply chain management can be under the
significant influence of public procurement. |