Author Mia Hocenski
Mentor Zoran Sušanj (mentor)
Committee member Ana Jakopec (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Marina Stanić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Doctoral studies) Osjek
Defense date and country 2021-10-14, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Economics of Entrepreneurship
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 658 - Business management, administration. Commercial organization
Abstract One of higher education institutions’ many goals is the development of students’ entrepreneurial
intentions with the aim of encouraging entrepreneurship. Students’ entrepreneurial intentions lead
towards their entrepreneurial behavior, and starting one’ company is merely one way of securing
employment for students during constant and unpredictable professional challenges of the 21st
century. With the aim of an effortless adjustment to both their private and professional
surroundings, students should develop their career adaptability as it entails readiness and resources
for successfully facing professional tasks and unexpected challenges, and should learn how to
regulate and control their emotions. Emotions in business have a significant role as they affect
one’s creativity, inductive and deductive reasoning, thought processes, and behavior, which is why
emotional regulation and control has become a necessity. Previous research shows a direct
influence of emotional intelligence on managerial and entrepreneurial skills acquisition. Thus, the
question of how emotions affect not only people’s efficiency at work, their entrepreneurial
judgment and behavior, but also their career adaptability has become the focus of most recent
The main goal of this doctoral research is to explore the role of emotional regulation and control
in the relationship between students’ career adaptability and entrepreneurial intentions. The
purpose of this research is to use the theory of planned behavior, the theory of career construction
and the model of emotional intelligence to explain the theoretical background of the constructs.
The empirical contribution of this doctoral research is evidenced by the verification of connections
and the explanation of interrelationships between career adaptability, emotional regulation and
control, and entrepreneurial intentions. Since the role of emotional regulation and control on
students’ entrepreneurial intentions has, thus far, not been investigated in Croatia, the primary
research is conducted on the sample of students from the Faculty of Economics in Osijek. The data
analyses consist of quantitative univariate, bivariate, and multivariate statistical research methods.
When controlling for the effects of age, gender and family company, the primary research results
indicate the importance of career adaptability and emotional regulation and control in predicting
students’ entrepreneurial intentions. In addition, emotional regulation and control is proven to be a
partial mediator of the relationship between career adaptability and entrepreneurial intentions. The
obtained research results may be useful to education professionals and career counselors for raising
awareness of the importance of developing students’ career adaptability and emotional regulation
and control for setting their entrepreneurial intentions.
Abstract (croatian) Razvoj poduzetničkih namjera studenata u svrhu poticanja poduzetništva jedan je od ciljeva brojnih
institucija visokog obrazovanja. Poduzetničke namjere studenata vode ka njihovom
poduzetničkom ponašanju, a otvaranje vlastitih poduzeća jedan je od načina osiguravanja
zaposlenja u 21.stoljeću. Uslijed konstantnih i nepredvidivih životnih i poslovnih promjena, a u
svrhu lakše prilagodbe okolini i poslovnom okruženju, studentima su potrebne karijerna
adaptabilnost i sposobnost regulacije i kontrole emocija. Karijerna adaptabilnost uključuje
spremnost i sposobnost prilagođavanja koje su važne za uspješno suočavanje s profesionalnim
zadacima, neočekivanim izazovima i mijenjanjem posla. Emocije u poslovnom okruženju imaju
značajnu ulogu jer utječu na kreativnost pojedinaca, induktivno i deduktivno zaključivanje, kao i
na misaone procese i ponašanje, sukladno čemu je regulacija i kontrola emocija neophodna.
Prethodna istraživanja upućuju na izravan utjecaj obrazovanja u području emocionalne
inteligencije na razvoj poduzetničkih i upravljačkih vještina. Stoga je u središtu novijih istraživanja
pitanje ne samo na koji način emocije utječu na učinkovitost u poslu, poduzetničke namjere i
ponašanje, nego i na karijernu adaptabilnost.
Primarni je cilj ove doktorske disertacije istražiti ulogu emocionalne regulacije i kontrole u odnosu
između karijerne adaptabilnosti i poduzetničkih namjera studenata. Svrha ovog rada sastoji se od
uporabe teorije planiranog ponašanja, teorije karijerne konstrukcije i modela emocionalne
inteligencije kako bi se objasnile teorijske pozadine konstrukata. Empirijski doprinos istraživanja
ogleda se u provjeri povezanosti i objašnjenju međusobnih odnosa triju konstrukata: karijerne
adaptabilnosti, emocionalne regulacije i kontrole, i poduzetničkih namjera. S obzirom na to da
uloga emocionalne regulacije i kontrole na poduzetničke namjere studenata do sada nije istraživana
u Hrvatskoj, primarno istraživanje provedeno je na uzorku studenata s Ekonomskog fakulteta u
Osijeku. U obradi rezultata istraživanja primijenjene su kvantitativne univarijatne, bivarijatne i
multivarijatne statističke metode. Kada se kontroliraju doprinosi dobi, spola, i obiteljske tvrtke,
rezultati istraživanja ukazuju na važnost karijerne adaptabilnosti i emocionalne regulacije i
kontrole u predviđanju poduzetničkih namjera studenata, pri čemu se emocionalna regulacija i
kontrola pokazala i kao djelomičan medijator odnosa između karijerne adaptabilnosti i
poduzetničkih namjera. Dobiveni rezultati istraživanja mogu biti od koristi stručnjacima iz područja
obrazovanja i karijernim savjetnicima za osvješćivanje važnosti razvoja karijerne
adaptabilnosti i emocionalne regulacije i kontrole kod studenata u ostvarenju njihovih
poduzetničkih namjera.
entrepreneurial intentions
career adaptability
emotional regulation and control
Keywords (english)
poduzetničke namjere
karijerna adaptabilnost
emocionalna regulacija i kontrola
Language english
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:531303
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: International inter-university postgraduate interdisciplinary doctoral program ENTREPRENEURSHIP AND INNOVATIVENESS Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Public note Nije dostavljen OIB za člana Povjerenstva za ocjenu i obranu doktorske disertacije:
prof. dr. sc. Jonathan Levie
Created on 2021-12-20 13:28:53