Title Radna snaga budućnosti – problemi i prilike studentske populacije : DOKTORSKA DISERTACIJA
Title (english) Workforce of the future-problems and opportunities of the student population : DOCTORAL THESIS
Author Višnja Bartolović
Mentor Jerko Glavaš (mentor)
Committee member Dražen Ćućić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Barković Bojanić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Damir Šebo (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2020-12-02, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 658 - Business management, administration. Commercial organization
Abstract Visokoobrazovano stanovništvo Republike Hrvatske čini bitnu pretpostavku za njen razvoj u
Industriji 4.0. Visokokvalificirani radnici u današnjoj ekonomiji imaju jedinstvenu ulogu. Stvoriti
im uvjete života i rada predstavlja izazov za društvo u cjelini. Stoga je cilj ovog istraživanja
usmjeren na dobivanje seta odgovora vezanih uz tranziciju iz obrazovanja u svijet rada,
institucionalnu potporu u tome smislu, kao i sve druge probleme i prilike s kojima se studenti
završnih godina studija susreću. Predmet istraživanja su stavovi, percepcije i migracijske namjere
studenata završnih godina studija o varijablama budućeg radnog mjesta, potisnim i privlačnim
čimbenicima migracija ili ostanku u Republici Hrvatskoj, ulozi migrantskih mreža u inozemstvu,
institucionalnoj potpori, preprekama za migracije.
U prvom dijelu rada definiraju se istraživačka pitanja, ciljevi i hipoteze. U drugom dijelu rada
analiziraju se dosezi i uloga Aktivne politike zapošljavanja. U vremenu COVID-19 pandemije,
kada se najavljuje kao posljedica nova svjetska recesija, uloga javnih službi za zapošljavanje
postaje ključna u suzbijanju posljedica krize, a kao i u svjetskoj krizi 2008. godine, i u ovoj se krizi
očekuje da će najviše posljedica imati upravo na zapošljavanje mladih.
U trećem dijelu rada analiziraju se dosadašnje mjere Aktivne politike rada usmjerene prema
mladima i pokazatelji vezani uz mlade na tržištu rada, efekti nezaposlenosti na mladu populaciju
i fokus na posebno ugrožene skupine mladih na tržištu rada.
Četvrti dio rada bavi se obrazovanjem i prijelazom iz svijeta obrazovanja u svijet rada, važnosti
institucionalne potpore, cjeloživotnog učenja i razvoja (posebice u svjetlu Industrije 4.0 i
sveprisutne digitalizacije), te važnosti financijske samostalnosti za mlade.
Peti dio rada odnosi se na obilježja nove generacije radne snage, migracije mladih i odljev
mozgova te kvalitetu života.
Šesti dio odnosi se na rezultate istraživanja. U uzorku je sudjelovalo 356 sudionika iz pet različitih
znanstvenih područja. Anketni upitnik distribuiran je online, dobiveni rezultati obrađeni su u
programskom paketu SPSS. Rezultati obrade odvijali su se u četiri faze: u prvoj fazi varijable su
opisane deskriptivnom statistikom, u drugoj fazi testiran je normalitet distribucije One sample
Kolmogorov-Smirnovljevim testom, u trećoj fazi testirana je povezanost varijabli sadržanih u
hipotezama uz identifikaciju statistički značajnih povezanosti. Od 12 postavljenih hipoteza, njih
10 potvrđeno, a 2 su odbačene. U četvrtoj fazi testiranja hijerarhijskom regresijom testirani su
potisni i privlačni čimbenici. Pokazalo se da model koji je primijenjen značajno predviđa 55 %
varijance kriterija (zavisna varijabla: namjera migracija u inozemstvo). R2 korigirani je 53,2.Sedmi dio rada odnosi se na zaključna razmatranja i preporuke za daljnja istraživanja. Preporuke
su proizašle iz pregleda domaće i strane literature te provedenog istraživanja.
Abstract (english) The highly educated population of the Republic of Croatia forms the basis for its development in
Industry 4.0. Highly skilled workers have a unique role in today’s economy. Creating living and
working conditions for them is a challenge for society as a whole. Therefore, the aim of this
research is to obtain a set of answers related to the transition from education to the world of work,
institutional support in this regard, as well as all other problems and opportunities that final year
students encounter. The subject of the research is the attitudes, perceptions and migration
intentions of final year students on future job variables, push and pull factors of migration, staying
in the Republic of Croatia, the role of migrant networks abroad, institutional support, various
obstacles students face.
The first part of the paper defines research questions, goals and hypotheses. The second part of the
paper analyzes the achievements and the role of Active Employment Policy. At the time of the
COVID-19 pandemic, when a new global recession is announced, the role of public employment
services is becoming crucial in combating the effects of the crisis, and as in the global crisis of
2008, this crisis is expected to have the greatest consequences on youth employment.
The third part of the paper analyzes the measures of the Active Labor Policy aimed at young people
and indicators related to youth in the labor market, the effects of unemployment on the young
population and the focus on particularly vulnerable groups of young people in the labor market.
The fourth part deals with education and the transition from the world of education to the world of
work, the importance of institutional support, lifelong learning and development (especially in
light of Industry 4.0 and ubiquitous digitization), and the importance of financial independence for
young people.
The fifth part of the paper deals with the characteristics of the new generation of labor force, youth
migration and brain drain, and quality of life.
The sixth part refers to the results of the research. The sample involved 356 students from five
different scientific fields. The survey questionnaire was distributed online, and the obtained results
were processed in the SPSS software package. The results of the processing took place in four
phases: in the first phase the variables were described by descriptive statistics, in the second phase
the normality of the distribution was tested by the One sample Kologorov-Smirnov test, in the
third phase the correlations of variables contained in hypotheses were tested with identification of
statistically significant correlations. Of the 12 hypotheses set, 10 were confirmed and 2 were rejected.
In the fourth phase of hierarchical regression testing, push and pull factors were tested. It
was shown that the applied model significantly predicts 55,3% of the variance of the criteria
(dependent variable: intention to migrate abroad), R2 adjusted 53,2.
migracijske namjere
potisni i privlačni čimbenici
odljev mozgova
Aktivna politika tržišta rada
cjeloživotno učenje
NEET skupina
Keywords (english)
migration intentions
push and pull factors
brain drain
Active labour market policy
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:222122
Promotion 2021
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study Management Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-02-26 10:50:52