Abstract | Tema ovog završnog rada je: "Utjecaj marketing okruženja na odabir strategije međunarodnog marketinga''. Rad je napravljen na temelju analize slučaja Mlinara, vodeće hrvatske pekarske industrije. Izlazak na međunarodna tržišta Slovenije, Mađarske, Slovačke, Njemačke, Australije i Saudijske Arabije, učinio je Mlinar izvrsnim kandidatom za temelj ovog rada. U prvom se dijelu rada nalazi uvod s opisom kompanije Mlinar, njenom povijesti, te trenutnim aktivnostima. Nakon toga navedena je metodologija. U nastavku rada nalazi se teorijsko pojašnjenje kulturnog, socijalnog, ekonomskog, političko-pravnog, te tehnološkog okruženja, uz teorijsko objašnjenje diferencirane i standardizirane marketing strategije. Po završetku teorijskog pojašnjenja započeta je analiza slučaja. Uz pomoć intervjua s izvršnim direktorima, bazom podataka Mlinara, te pomoću sekundarnih izvora, opisan je postupak i procedure izlaska na nova tržišta. Prije su navedena tržišta opisana kroz pet okruženja, s najvećom važnosti na kulturno, socijalno, ekonomsko te političko-pravno, dok se zbog specifičnosti djelatnosti najmanje opisuje tehnološko okruženje. Uz opis okruženja, unutar rada opisan je proces donošenja odluka o odabiru strategije. Rad završava zaključkom baziranim na situaciji u konkretnom slučaju Mlinara, te općenitim zaključkom o povezanosti okruženja i odabira strategije. |
Abstract (english) | Theme of this final thesis is "Influence of the marketing environment on differentiation strategy in international marketing“. This thesis has the form of case study based on leading Croatian bakery industry - Mlinar. The fact that Mlinar expanded to international markets of Slovenia, Hungary, Slovakia, Germany, Australia and Saudi Arabia made Mlinar a perfect candidate to become the theme of this thesis. In the first part of the thesis there is the introduction which introduces us to company Mlinar, its history and current affairs, following introduction there is methodology. Theoretical explanation of the cultural, social, economic, political, legal and technological environment along with theoretical explanation of differential and standardized marketing strategy follows. The next phase of the thesis is the case study. It consist of interviews with executive directors, database of Mlinar and secondary sources which helped to describe procedures and steps of expand. The markets that were mentioned before are each described throughout five environments with main focus on cultural, social, economic, political and legal environments, while due to specifics of company and its activities technological environment is less included. Along with description of environments, the other very important decision is explained - the decision of strategy. The thesis ends with conclusion about the specific situations that include Mlinar and with the general conclusion of connection between environments and marketing strategies. |