Title Višekriterijski optimizacijski model upravljanja remontom složenih tehničkih sustava
Title (english) Multi-criteria optimization model of managing the complex technical systems overhaul
Author Josip Jukić
Mentor Dražen Barković (mentor)
Committee member Martina Briš Alić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Željko Turkalj (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Roberto Lujić (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek (Chair of Management, Organization and Entrepreneurship) Osijek
Defense date and country 2018-03-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Organization and Management
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 330 - Economics. Economic science
Abstract Moderni pristupi organizaciji remonta složenih tehničkih sustava postavljaju pred menadžment poduzeća zadatak racionalizacije organizacije funkcije održavanja u cilju skraćenju samog ciklusa, utroška vremena i energije po jedinici vremena, ali i ukupnih troškova. Iskustva iz prakse pokazuju česta kašnjenja rokova u ispunjenju obveza prema krajnjem kupcu, odnosno ispunjenja obveza neplaniranim angažiranjem dodatnog rada s povećanim troškovima.
Tijekom planiranja i upravljanja projektom, menadžment se susreće sa nekoliko značajnih pitanja a posebno su istaknuta dva: „Kolika je dužina trajanje projekta?“ i „Koliki su troškovi projekta?“, na koja je izuzetno teško dati adekvatan odgovor, pogotovo na projekte neponavljajućeg karaktera. Takvi projekti uključuju aktivnosti koje nose visoku razinu neizvjesnosti ali i rizika. Problemi koji se mogu pojaviti tijekom izvedbe takvih projekata i utjecaj istih na cjelokupni poslovni sustav teško su predvidivi.
Istraživanjem u disertaciji izvršena je analiza mogućnosti primjene višekriterijskog odlučivanja i različitih optimizacijskih metoda u analizi remonta složenih tehničkih sustava (primjenom na razini upravljanja, planiranja i praćenja remonta) te mogućnosti istraživanja ali i postizanja optimalnog rješenja plana kako u troškovnom tako i u vremenskom okviru prema zadanoj višekriterijskoj funkciji cilja.
Zbog ograničenja jednokriterijalnih sustava odlučivanja koji su obuhvaćali optimiranje po jednom kriteriju (što se u praksi događa vrlo rijetko) njihova primjena je bila ograničena a samim time i dobivena rješenja. U disertaciji je analizirana mogućnost primjene višekriterijalnog odlučivanja korištenjem različitih optimizacijskih metoda pri analizi remonta složenih tehničkih sustava (primjenom na razini upravljanja, planiranja i praćenja remonta) te mogućnosti postizanja više varijantnih suboptimalnih rješenja u troškovnom i vremenskom smislu prema zadanim kriterijima.
Pregledom postojećih modela upravljanja, planiranja i praćenja remonta složenih tehničkih sustava, provedene analize postojećih modela iz literaturnih navoda, prethodnih istraživanja i dugogodišnjeg osobnog iskustva došlo se do zaključka kako postoji prostor za prijedlog poboljšanja i izradu modela planiranja i praćenja remonta složenih tehničkih sustava primjenom ali i modifikacijom različitih metoda i tehnika (CPM, PERT/COST i linearno programiranje).
Predloženi višekriterijalni model je testiran na odabranom složenom tehničkom sustavu (građevinski stroj) što ne znači da predloženi model nije primjenjiv na bilo kojem drugom složenom tehničkom sustavu.
U cilju potvrđivanja postavljenih hipoteza izvršena je vremenska analiza metodom CPM sa procijenjenim vremenima trajanja aktivnosti kao determinističkim veličinama te metodom PERT sa procijenjenim vremenima trajanja aktivnosti kao stohastičkim veličinama.
Ulaganjem dodatnih novčanih sredstava na skraćenje trajanja pojedinih aktivnost (gdje je to dozvoljeno tehnološkim mogućnostima procesa) izvršena je optimalizacija projekta metodom PERT/COST i metodom linearnog programiranja prema vremenu i troškovima projekta. Postavljeni višekriterijalni model optimalizacije omogućuje izbor između više varijanti suboptimalnih rješenja vrijeme-troškovi kao i izračun vjerojatnosti završetka projekta u odnosu na prvotno procijenjeno vrijeme.
Za očekivati je da se predloženi model primjeni i na drugim projektima izvan provedenog objekta istraživanja posebice na projektima koji su neponavljajućeg karaktera.
Abstract (english) Modern approaches to the organization of complex technical systems overhaul make managers and companies face a task of rationalizing the organization of overhaul maintenance functions for the purpose of shortening the cycle itself, cutting down the time and energy per unit of time, as well reducing the total costs in general. Experiences from the practice show frequent delays in the fulfillment of the obligation towards the end customer, i.e. the fulfillment of the obligation by the unplanned engagement of additional work at increased costs.
During project planning and management, managers are facing several important questions and two are particularly emphasized – what is duration of the project and what are the project costs? It is extremely difficult to give an adequate answer to each of stated questions, particularly for projects of non-repeating character. Such projects often include new activities, which increases the level of uncertainty and risk. It is difficult to predict all of problems that may arise during the project implementation as well as what impact it will have on the development of the entire business system.
The research conducted in this doctoral thesis has been focused on the analysis of possibilities of applying multi-criteria decision making and various optimization methods in analysis of complex technical systems overhauling (at the level of overhaul managing, planning and monitoring) as well as possibilities to investigate as well as to achieve the optimal solution of the plan in terms of both cost and time framework according to predetermined multi-criteria goal function.
Due to the constraints of single-criteria decision-making systems that included optimization of one criterion (which is very rare in practice) their application was limited as well as solutions obtained. In this doctoral thesis one analyzes the possibility of applying multi-criteria decision making using different optimization methods in the analysis of complex technical systems (by applying it at the level of overhaul management, planning and monitoring) as well as the ability to achieve various versions of suboptimal solutions in terms of cost and time according to the given criteria. By reviewing the existing models of managing, planning and monitoring of complex technical systems overhaul, analyzing the existing models stated in the relevant academic literatures, previous researches and long-term personal experience in the field, it has been concluded that there is a space for suggesting the improvement and model development of planning and monitoring of complex technical systems overhaul by applying as well as modifying various methods and techniques (CPM, PERT / COST and linear programming technique).
Suggested multi-criteria model has been tested on the selected complex technical system (a construction machine). However, this does not mean that the model cannot be applied to any other complex technical system.
For the purpose of confirming set hypothesis, the time analysis of the CPM method with the estimated duration of activity as deterministic size and the PERT method with the estimated time periods of activity as stochastic sizes were performed.
By investing additional costs on the shortening of the duration of each activity, where the technological possibilities allow it, the project optimization by PERT / COST method and the linear programming method according to the time and cost of the project was carried out. The set optimization model is allowing a choice between more versions of time-cost sub-optimal solutions as well as a probability calculation of completing a project related to the original time estimated.
One can expect that this research can be applied to other projects - especially to those which are of non-repeating character.
tehnički sustav
Keywords (english)
technical system
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:871193
Study programme Title: Postgraduate doctoral study Management Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija (doktor/doktorica znanosti, područje društvenih znanosti, polje ekonomija)
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Created on 2018-07-04 15:46:20