Title Utjecaj turizma na razvoj grada Virovitice
Title (english) The impact of tourism on the development of the city of Virovitica
Author Jasmina Jordanov
Mentor Đula Borozan (mentor)
Committee member Mirna Leko-Šimić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Đula Borozan (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nataša Drvenkar (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Faculty of Economics and Business in Osijek (Chair of National and International Economics) Osijek
Defense date and country 2018-03-01, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics Macroeconomics
Abstract Turizam je vrlo složen gospodarski sustav sastavljen od mnoštva razliĉitih gospodarskih grana i djelatnosti u svim sektorima nacionalnog gospodarstva. U ovom radu razmatra se pojam, suština i znaĉaj turizma, kako s makro, tako i s mikro razine. Temeljna je svrha ovog završnog specijalistiĉkog rada objasniti dinamiĉnu prirodu turizma, njegovu složenost i višeslojnost te djelovanja na umjereni razvoj turizma koji bi pogodovao i interesima gostiju i domaćina. U ovom su, stoga, radu opisane glavne tendencije u turizmu s naglaskom na stanje i mogućnosti razvoja turizma grada Virovitice te njegovog doprinosa razvoju grada Virovitice. Postojeća statistika grada, međutim, ne može sagledati njegovu punu ekonomsku važnost i utjecaje turizma koji se ogledaju, prije svega, u ukupnoj dobiti grada i povećanju zapošljavanja jer se institucije do sada nisu bavile detaljnom analizom na razini samoga grada. Virovitiĉko-podravska ţupanija pridonosi sa svega 0,01% BDV-u koja se ostvaruje u turizmu kontinentalne Hrvatske u G, H i I djelatnostima, odnosno 0,006% Republike Hrvatske. Taj je postotak zanemariv na obje razine. On je nešto viši, toĉnije iznosi 0,99% , kada se promatra doprinos navedenih djelatnosti ukupnim prihodima ostvarenim od svih djelatnosti u Virovitiĉko-podravskoj županiji. Međutim, i u tim je razmjerima vrlo malen. Da bi se izgradio prepoznatljiv identitet grada, neophodna su ulaganja u turizam bez kojih valorizacija turistiĉkih potencijala grada nije moguća. Ponašanja potrošaĉa uvelike su se promijenila te je i u turizmu posebice prisutan trend „value for money“, odnosno vrijednost za novac. Današnji turisti sve više kupuju turistiĉke proizvode i usluge više kvalitete, pa odabiru turistiĉke destinacije ovisno o tome zadovoljava li ponuda sve njihove potrebe te može li im pružiti jedinstven i nezaboravan doživljaj u skladu s njihovim oĉekivanjima. Da bi destinacija bila prepoznata od strane turista, potrebno je sve raspoložive resurse pretvoriti u turistiĉke atrakcije i uklopiti ih u turistiĉku ponudu te na taj naĉin stvoriti jedinstvene kulturno-turistiĉke proizvode koji će privući posjetitelje i potaknuti ih da se iznova vraćaju u destinaciju.
Abstract (english) Tourism is a very complex economic system composed of a multitude of different economic sectors and activities in all areas of national economy. This paper deals with the notion, essence and importance of tourism, at both macro and micro level. The basic purpose of this final specialist work is to explain the dynamic nature of tourism, its complexity and multidimensionality, and its impact on moderate tourism development, which would also be beneficial to the interests of guests and hosts. This is why this paper describes the main tendencies in tourism with an emphasis on the condition and possibilities of tourism development in the city of Virovitica and its contribution to the development of the city of Virovitica itself. Existing city statistics, however, can not see the full economic importance and the impact of tourism, which is reflected above all in the city's overall profit and employment growth, as the institutions so far have not dealt with detailed analysis at the level of the city itself. The County of Virovitica-Podravina contributes only 0.01% to the BDV, which is realized in the tourism of continental Croatia in the G, H and I sectors, or 0.006% of the Republic of Croatia. This percentage is negligible at both levels. It is somewhat higher, or more precisely, 0.99%, when the contribution of these activities is observed in total revenues generated by all activities in the County of Virovitica-Podravina. However, it is also very small in this respect. In order to build a recognizable city identity, investment in tourism is necessary, without which the valorisation of the tourist potential of the city is impossible. Consumer behaviour has changed a lot, and the "value for money" trend is particularly present in tourism. Today's tourists are increasingly buying tourism products and services of higher quality and choosing a tourist destination depending on whether they meet their needs and whether they can offer them a unique and unforgettable experience in line with their expectations. To make the destination recognizable by tourists, it is necessary to transform all available resources into tourist attractions and incorporate them into a tourist offer, thus creating unique cultural-tourist products that will attract visitors and encourage them to return to the destination.
grad Virovitica
stanje turizma
turistiĉki potencijali
mogućnosti razvoja
Keywords (english)
city of Virovitica
state of tourism
tourism potential
development possibilities
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:145:101914
Study programme Title: Postgraduate Specialist University Study Program, Management of Economic Development Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate specialist Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica upravljanja ekonomskim razvojem (sveučilišni/a specijalist/specijalistica upravljanja ekonomskim razvojem)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
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Created on 2018-05-11 10:00:21