Abstract | Zajednička poljoprivredna politika osnovana je 1962. godine i obuhvaća sve zemlje članice Europske unije. Cilj te politike je poboljšati produktivnost poljoprivrede da se potrošače opskrbi s dovoljno hrane po razumnim cijenama, te osigurati zaradu poljoprivrednicima. Zajednička poljoprivredna politika se suočava s mnogim problemima, kao što su promjene klime, briga za okoliš, održavanje ruralnog gospodarstva, upravljanje prirodnim resursima, itd.
U radu se navodi Europski model multifunkcionalnosti koji je uveden krajem 1980-ih i početkom 1990-ih godina te postaje važan jer Europska unija doprinosi poljoprivrednom sektoru na prostorni ekonomski razvoj, održivost ruralnih krajeva te upravljanje okolišem.
U završnom radu je istražen razvoj CAP-a, od njegovih početaka sve do planova postavljenih za budućnost. Također je istraženo kakva budućnost čeka Hrvatsku kao članicu Europske unije. Ulaskom u EU, ona ostvaruje brojne prednosti, ponajviše one vezane uz poljoprivredu. Na temelju istraživanja došlo se do zaključka da će, provedbom CAP-a i ostalih politika Europske unije, postati konkurentnija i održivija na europskom i svjetskom tržištu, a da pri tome zadrži svoju tradiciju. Također, provedbom CAP-a hrvatske se raznolikosti u poljoprivredi trebaju poštovati, te treba poraditi na doprinosu u razvoj seoskih područja. Naglasak u samom radu je stavljen na poljoprivrednu proizvodnju u odabranim zemljama članicama Europske unije. Cilj je završnog rada istražiti da li su zemlje članice kroz određeno razdoblje ostvarile napredak u proizvodnji mesa i proizvodnji usjeva. Na temelju istraživanja dolazi se do zaključka kako su neke od razvijenijih zemalja napredovale u proizvodnji usjeva, no nisu napredovale u proizvodnji mesa, dok su nerazvijene zemlje ostvarile značajan pad i u proizvodnji usjeva i proizvodnji mesa. |
Abstract (english) | Common Agricultural Policy is established in 1962, and includes all countries of European Union. Its goal is to improve agriculture productivity to supply consumers with enough food at a reasonable price, and also insure earnings to the farmers. CAP faces with many problems, such as climate changes, environment care, maintenance of the rural economy, natural resources management etc.
In this final paper the European model of multifunctionality is stated, which is introduceed in the late eighties and early nineties, and has become important because the European Union contributes to the agricultural sector at the spatial economic development, sustainability of the rural surfaces and to the management of the environment.
In the final paper the development of the CAP has been researched, from its beginning all the way to plans that are set for the future. Likewise it is researched what future is waiting for Croatia as a member of the European Union. By entering the EU, Croatia has achieved many benefits, most of all, those related to agriculture. Based on a research, it has come to a conclusion that by the implementation of the CAP and the rest of the European Union politics, Croatia will become more competitive and more sustainable on the European and global market, while keeping her tradition instact. Also, by the implementation of the CAP, Croatian diversity in agriculture should be respected, and some work needs to be done to the contribution in development of rural areas.
The emphasis in this work is based on agricultural production in chosen countries of European Union. The goal of this final paper is to research have the countries increased production of meat and crops through analyzed period. Conclusion, which is based on research, is that some of developed countries increased their production of crops, but didn't increase production of meat, while less developed countries achieved a significant fail in production of meat and crops. |