Title Marketing knjige u funkciji razvoja kulture suvremenog hrvatskog društva
Title (english) The book marketing in the function of development of modern culture Croatian society
Author Anita Tufekčić
Mentor Marcel Meler (mentor) MBZ: 30380
Committee member Nives Tomašević (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 319811
Committee member Helena Sablić-Tomić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 201714
Committee member Marija Ham (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 293000
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Doctoral studies) Osjek
Defense date and country 2018-11-05, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Economics
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 330 - Economics. Economic science
Abstract Marketing knjige, kao specifično područje marketinga, zahtjevno je i izazovno. S jedne strane, zbog složenosti i konstantnog razvoja marketinga i njegovih varijabli, a s druge strane zbog specifičnosti knjige kao proizvoda i nakladništva kao industrije. Za knjigu usko je povezano i čitanje kao bitna sastavnica odlike kulture jednog naroda, u ovom slučaju ono će svjedočiti o kulturi suvremenog hrvatskog društva. Opći pad zanimanja za knjigu i čitanje u promijenjenom načinu čitanja u digitalnom okruženju, zahtijevaju od svakog društva da se strateški bavi pitanjima pismenosti. Narodne knjižnice trebale bi biti bitan čimbenik u promicanju čitanja i pismenosti, osobito informacijske pismenosti. Zbog toga je nužna i primjena marketinga u knjižnicama i knjižničnoj djelatnosti a koji bi trebao predstavljati cjelovit proces promišljanja načina zadovoljavanja heterogenih korisničkih potreba, a sve u cilju prikaza mogućnosti sustavne primjene određenih marketinških metoda u knjižnicama, te na taj način i povećavanja broja korisnika knjižnica i učestalosti čitanja šireg raspona različitih knjiga s njihove strane, te na taj način pripomaganja u povećavanju razine obrazovanosti i opće kulture stanovništva Republike Hrvatske u budućnosti.
Istraživanju za potrebe ove doktorske disertacije pristupilo se na dvije razine. Prva podrazumijeva istraživanje teorijskog okvira i proučavanje rezultata istraživanja o temi marketinga, nakladništva, knjižničnog marketinga i čitateljskih navika na temelju kojih su definirane teorijske postavke. Druga se odnosila na kampanje društvenog marketinga u smislu promocije čitanja i knjiga od strane državnih i ostalih kulturnih institucija. Detaljnim istraživanjem, proučavanjem i analiziranjem nastoji se ponuditi drugačiji i suvremeniji pristup upravljanju marketingom u nakladništvu i knjižničnog marketinga u knjižnicama, te predložiti smjerove kojima bi se hrvatska nakladnička poduzeća mogla pokrenuti žele li razvijati poslovanje na provjerenoj teoriji i praksi.
Očekivani znanstveni doprinos može se predočiti kroz kompleksan i interdisciplinaran utjecaj u kojoj je mjeri marketing knjige primjenjiv u nakladničkim poduzećima, a u kojoj mjeri knjižnični marketing u knjižnicama, i na koji način oni povećavaju razinu obrazovanosti i opću kulturu stanovništva Hrvatske.
Abstract (english) The book marketing, as a specific area of marketing, is both demanding and challenging. On one hand, this is due to the complexity and constant development of marketing and its variables, and on the other hand, due to the specific nature of the book as a product and the publishing as an industry. Reading is closely associated with the book, as an important factor of cultural distinctivness of a nation, and in this case it shall give testament to the culture of modern Croatian society. The general drop in the interest for book as well as the reading in the altered manner of reading in a digital environment require of each society to strategically deal with the issues of literacy. National libraries should be an important factor in promoting reading and literacy, especially computer literacy. That is why the application of marketing is also necessary in libraries, and which should represent an integral process of re-evaluating the means to satisfy heterogenous user needs, and all this for the purpose of showing the possibilities of systematic application of certain marketing methods in libraries, and in this fashion, to increase the number of library users and the frequency of reading a wide array of various books on their part, thus helping to increase the level of education and general culture of the citizens of the Republic of Croatia in the future. The research for this doctoral dissertation was approached on two levels. The first one included research of the theoretical framework and the study of research results on topics of marketing, publishing, book marketing and reader habits, based on which the theoretical postulates were defined. The second one dealt with the campaigns of social marketing in terms of promoting the reading and the books by the government and other cultural institutions.Through detailed research, study and analysis, a different and more modern approach to marketing management in publishing and the library marketing is offered, as well as recommending the ways which the Croatian publishing companies could turn to should they wish to develop their business on verified theory and practice.
The expected scientific contribution can be presented through a complex and interdisciplinary influence, in what measure the book marketing is applicable in publishing companies, and in what measure the book marketing in libraries, and in what way do they increase the level of education and general culture of the population of Croatia.
marketing knjige
knjižnični marketing
kultura čitanja
čitateljske navike
kultura stanovništva Republike Hrvatske
Keywords (english)
book marketing
library marketing
reading culture
reader habits
culture of the population of Croatia
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:236:201076
Promotion 2019-04-26
Study programme Title: University Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Cultural Studies; specializations in: Culture, Art and Literature in the European context, Information and Communication in Culture, Management of Culture, Art and Education Course: Management of Culture, Art and Education Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of Doctoral School, Josip Juraj University in Osijek
Created on 2018-12-19 10:10:13