Title Društveni, ekonomski, vjerski i kulturni odnosi u dubrovačkim kolonijama u Bosni u 15. stoljeću
Title (english) Social, economic, religious and cultural relations in Dubrovnik colonies in Bosnia in the 15th century
Author Tamara Alebić MBZ: 320233
Mentor Damir Matanović (mentor) MBZ: 225724
Committee member Hrvoje Volner (predsjednik povjerenstva) MBZ: 295204
Committee member Helena Sablić-Tomić (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 201714
Committee member Damir Matanović (član povjerenstva) MBZ: 225724
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (Doctoral studies) Osjek
Defense date and country 2015-07-06, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline HUMANISTIC SCIENCES Interdisciplinary Humanistic Studies
Universal decimal classification (UDC ) 930.85 - Cultural history
Abstract Privučeni poslovnim prilikama, posebice trgovinom, Dubrovčani odlaze u Bosnu te u značajnim rudarskim i trgovačkim mjestima formiraju svoje kolonije u kojima borave duže ili kraće vrijeme. U nekima od njih Dubrovčani se počinju pojavljivati već u drugoj polovici 14. stoljeća, dok su puni intenzitet doživjeli u prvoj polovici 15. stoljeća. Značajno je da su se pojedini Dubrovčani u nekim kolonijama pojavljivali i istodobno. Srebrenica i Zvornik, kao i ostale dubrovačke kolonije, bile su nastanjene plemićima i pučanima podrijetlom iz Dubrovnika, pri čemu je vlastela bila redovito birana u sudske komisije kao konzuli ili sudci. Određen se broj pučana obogatio te su tako postali važan čimbenik gospodarskog i političkog života, a neki su od njih također bili birani u sudske komisije. Mnogi su bili uključeni u kreditno-trgovinske poslove. Snaženju vanjske trgovine doprinijelo je vađenje ruda, posebice srebra i olova, po čemu su bosanski rudnici bili poznati. Povećan angažman Dubrovčana u rudarstvu bio je povezan s padom proizvodnje srebra na europskom tržištu i njegovom potražnjom. Usporedo s razvojem trgovine razvijala se i obrtnička djelatnost, u koju se uz posredovanje Dubrovčana uključivalo i domicilno stanovništvo. Trgovinska razmjena donijela je sa sobom zapadnoeuropske utjecaje koji su se manifestirali u mnogim segmentima života. Svakodnevni život Dubrovčana u Srebrenici, Zvorniku te njihovim ostalim kolonijama u Bosni odvijao se na sličan način kao onaj u Dubrovniku. Dubrovčani su sa sobom donijeli osobine dubrovačke, a preko Dubrovnika i obilježja europske kulture. Dubrovački utjecaj našao je svoje uporište i u vjerskom aspektu, posebice stoga što su Dubrovčani katolici. Mnogi od njih obilato su darivali crkve i franjevce o čemu svjedoče njihove oporuke. Njihova velika fluktuacija rezultirala je raznim sporovima koji su bili u nadležnosti dubrovačkih i mješovitih sudova. Na osnovi neobjavljene građe Državnog arhiva u Dubrovniku, objavljenih izvora i literature u radu će se prikazati na koji su način Dubrovčani utjecali na život promatranih kolonija.
Abstract (english) Attracted by business opportunities, particularly in trade, people of Dubrovnik go to Bosnia and in the significant mining and commercial areas form their colonies where they live longer or shorter period of time. In some of those colonies people of Dubrovnik started to appear in the second half of the 14th century, while they experienced full intensity in the first half of the 15th century. It is significant that in some colonies few people of Dubrovnik occurred at the same time. Srebrenica and Zvornik and other Dubrovnik colonies were inhabited by nobles and commoners originating from Dubrovnik where landowners were regularly elected in the judicial commission as a consuls or judges. There were also a certain number of commoners who became rich and thus become an important factor that was involved in the economic and political spheres of life, and some of them had also been elected to the judicial commission. Many were involved in the credit-trading activities. Mining contributed to strengthening of foreign trade particularly silver and lead by which the Bosnian mines were known for. Increased involvement of the people of Dubrovnik in mining was associated with the fall in production of silver and its demand at the European market. Along with the development of trade, crafts developed as well, in which the people of Dubrovnik mediated in involvement of locals. Trade exchange has brought Western influences that were manifested in many aspects of life. The daily life of the people of Dubrovnik in Srebrenica, Zvornik and their other colonies in Bosnia was conducted in a similar way as the one in Dubrovnik. The people of Dubrovnik brought the qualities of Dubrovnik, and with it they have brought the features of European culture. Dubrovnik's influence found its footing in the religious aspect, especially because the people of Dubrovnik were Catholics. Many of them profusely donated the church and the Franciscans as evidenced by their testament. Their high fluctuation resulted in various disputes that were under the jurisdiction of Dubrovnik and mixed courts. Based on unpublished sources of the state archives in Dubrovnik, published sources and literature, this research paper will present how the people of Dubrovnik affected the life of the observed colonies.
dubrovačke kolonije u Bosni
Keywords (english)
Dubrovnik colonies in Bosnia
15th century
people of Dubrovnik
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:236:553639
Promotion 2016-04-09
Study programme Title: University Postgraduate Interdisciplinary Doctoral Study Cultural Studies; specializations in: Culture, Art and Literature in the European context, Information and Communication in Culture, Management of Culture, Art and Education Course: Culture, Art and Literature in the European context Study programme type: university Study level: postgraduate Academic / professional title: doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje (doktor/doktorica znanosti, interdisciplinarna područja znanosti, odgovarajuće polje)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Repository Repository of Doctoral School, Josip Juraj University in Osijek
Created on 2018-09-12 11:28:25