Title Trag natrag
Title (english) The Trackback
Author Tina Mihaljević
Mentor Vladimir Frelih (mentor)
Mentor Zlatko Kozina (mentor)
Committee member Vladimir Frelih (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zlatko Kozina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Krešimir Purgar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Petrović (član povjerenstva)
Granter Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek Osijek
Defense date and country 2021-03-03, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline FIELD OF ART Fine Arts
Abstract Diplomski rad pod nazivom „Trag natrag“ je skulpturalna instalacija koju čini kvadratna, bijela, drvena kutija s pijeskom. Izveden je kao participativno djelo u kojem se promatrač poziva na sukreiranje – preobrazbu djela okretanjem kutije. Rad upućuje dvosmjerne signale, koji u jednom trenu pozivaju promatrača na djelovanje, dok u drugom aludiraju na odbojnost prema istom. Iznosi ideju fragmentarnosti, nedovršenosti koja je u konstantnoj petlji preobraženja, negirajući isključivo negativno poimanje petlje, što sugerira petlju kao proces. Sustav – nepredvidiv prostor za generiranje i degeneriranje fragmentarnih cjelina; sačinjen od istih gradivnih jedinica – fragmenata; postaje subjektivna percepcija objektivne stvarnosti. Uloga promatrača izjednačena je s činom promatranja, kojim se projicira stvarnost na ono što jest. U radu se kroz napetost protuteža; suprotstavljenih na vizualnoj i sadržajnoj razini; približavaju elementi minimalizma i konceptualne umjetnosti kao dva opozita koja se istovremeno spajaju i razilaze u jednoj točki – objektnosti. Dojam neizvjesnosti pri kategoriziranju rada stvoren je približavanjem dva oprečna sustava. Prvi sustav je industrijski proizvod, vizualno reduciranih elemenata, koji aludira na serijalnu pojavnost i prisvaja objektnost u aspektu minimalizma. Isti je doveden u odnos s drugim sustavom – idejom kao kreacijom proizašlom iz korelacije promatrača i objekta, koji istovremeno odbija objektnost u aspektu konceptualne umjetnosti. Dovođenjem u odnos industrijski proizvod nasuprot konceptu u čistoj formi stvara se međuprostor između umjetničkog djela shvaćenog kao materijalni objekt i kreacije koja proizlazi iz istog. Odbijanje i prisvajanje objektnosti i neobjektnosti stvara fluidnu strukturu – neponovljivu i uvijek različitu, no istovremeno ponavljajuću i istu. Pozivajući promatrača na djelovanje – jednostavnim činom micanja kutije, nastoji se potaknuti pomak u percepciji te odmak od konvencionalnih obrazaca s gotovim modelima mišljenja. Rad ne iznosi upute kako stvarati, već sugerira mogućnost stvaranja – „okretanja kutija“. Postavljajući pitanje ne upućuje na postojanje isključivo jednog „točnog“ odgovora jer svaki je odgovor „točan“ onome tko ga percipira. Započinje s pitanjem, no došavši do odgovora, zapravo postavlja novo pitanje, kao što već sam naziv rada sugerira – Trag natrag.
Abstract (english) The master thesis entitled "The trackback" is sculptural installation consisting of a square, white, wooden box with sand. Derived as a participative work in which the observer is invited to co-create – to transform the artwork by turning the box. The artwork sends two-way signals, which are, at one moment, inviting the observer to act, while at another, are alluding to repulse towards the same. It presents the idea of fragmentation, incompleteness which is in a constant loop of transformation, denying the exclusively negative conception of the loop, which suggests the loop as a process. System – unpredictable space for generation and degeneration of fragmented units; made of identical building units – fragments; becomes a subjective perception of objective reality. The role of the observer is equated with the act of observation, which projects reality to observed object. The artwork through the tension of counterweight; confronted at visual and substantive level; is setting elements of minimalism and conceptual into relation as two opposites, which are at the same time merging and departing in one point - objectivity. The impression of uncertainty about categorizing artwork is created by co-existence of two conflicting systems. The first system is an industrial product; whose visual elements are reduced; which alludes to serial appearance and appropriates objectivity in the aspect of minimalism. The first system was brought into relation with another system – the idea as a creation derived from the correlation of observer and object, which at the same time rejects objectivity in the aspect of conceptual art. A relation between industrial product and a concept in its pure form, creates an interspace between the artwork understood as a material object and a creation that arises from it. Rejection and appropriation of objectivity and non-objectivity creates a fluid structure – unrepeatable and always different, but at the same time repetitive and the same. The artwork tries to stimulate the shift in perception and detach from conventional patterns with finished models of thinking by inviting an observer on action – simple act of moving the box. It doesn’t provide instructions on how to create, but suggests the ability to create. The concept of asking a question doesn’t indicate the existence of only one “correct” answer because each answer is “correct” to the one who perceives it. The artwork begins with a question, but coming to an answer, it actually asks a new question, as the title of the artwork suggests – The trackback.
Keywords (english)
installation art
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:251:276842
Study programme Title: Graduate study of Fine Arts Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra edukacije likovne kulture (magistar/magistra edukacije likovne kulture)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Repository Repository of the Academy of Arts and Culture in Osijek
Created on 2021-03-09 16:39:18